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Letters to the Dead,,

I write these letters because she was the only one I was ever able to really talk to. Or at least, that is how I remember it. It has taken me years to realize that I never truly grieved her. My life demanded I take off running, and cocoon myself into safety because there didn’t seem to be anyone left to care for me. These letters can be dark, and not in the morbid sense, but more so emotionally, as each word is teaching me something new about myself.


A Chronic Survivor,,

My writings are never really planned.. at least, not when it comes to this blog. It’s a bit chaotic but I’m letting myself go with the flow on this one. I can’t say I’m not intimidated, but I find myself drawn to this project and I can’t stop. For these posts, I’ll try not to be so dark, and moody, but sometimes that is where the tone is heading when you consider the topics. You can most likely find posts where I elaborate on certain topics I brushed on, or I’m venting and ranting about one thing or another.

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I Don't Mind,,

As this is a public form, I thought it would be fitting to create a category for miscellaneous announcements and posts. I’m not sure what to expect as a response should this blog get noticed, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the future. I don’t mind answering questions, addressing tough topics and/or discussing the problems I bring to attention within my posts. After all, this is – put simply – a story. Well, my story.

Dear Mom, my Blog to you

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