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  • achronicsurvivorsa

Surviving long enough to get disability

I had hoped it wouldn’t come to me relying so heavily on this, but it is clear that I can’t hold out any longer.

We are one month and eight days into the new year, and my situation has decided to upgrade from mild to absolutely critical. To say that I carry around a massive weight on my shoulders everyday is a bit of an understatement, but the stress has just grown into unmanageable levels. Now I’m in a situation where the help I receive will make or break me. If you read this long, give me just a little longer to explain.

In the beginning of 2021, I knew my health was at such a decline that it was impossible for me to return to the only job I have ever known; retail. My doctors have informed me that my body is so badly damaged not only due to my intensive cancer treatment, but also the daily physical responsibilities I had to uphold as a worker. I was already on rocky footing, so adding the physical labor was simply far too much than I could handle. Work literally burned me out.

I go into detail about my health, and all the ways it stops me from contributing to society in this blog I created back in December of 2023 (about me & the condition of my health). It was just one of the many ways I have adopted to cope with my situation. Unfortunately it doesn’t bring in any funds. I’ve applied for government assistance, I have my social security disability application still struggling through the system, and I’ve done what I physically can to earn the little that I need to maintain my monthly expenses. All my luck has officially dried up, and while I did contemplate returning to some form of work, I’ve come to the sad realization that I physically cannot. Pushing myself is damaging both physically and mentally, and the pain is not something I can get over no matter how much I am managing it at the moment.

I’ve had my application for SSDI submitted since 2021, and I’m still awaiting a decision that is due sometime this month. Meanwhile, my bills and rent are due NOW and I am teetering on the edge of a panic attack due to the circumstances. My family has extended what help they can provide, but there are a lot of factors at play right now, and none of them are working in my favor.

It truly turns my stomach when I think about how hard I need to campaign for myself now, because I’m anxious about putting myself out there given the state of the world. But I’m very close to no longer being safe, and sound due to the circumstances, and I need to rely on the kindness of friends, outside family and strangers if I want to make it through this. Please, if you don’t have the means to donate, I completely understand. The economy of the country is just as crappy as my situation, but if you could just share this and bring awareness to my plight, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.

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